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Welcome To Rim And Wheel Works!

Rim & Wheel Works is your one-stop shop for wheel straightening, repair, replacement, refinishing and just plain good advice.

The aluminum alloy rims used on most cars today are beautiful, but somewhat fragile, and out on the mean streets the dangers are everywhere. If you've ever hit a pothole or a curb and bent or damaged an alloy rim, if your car has developed an annoying vibration, and above all if you've ever been quoted $500 or more for a new rim, Rim & Wheel Works is here to help keep your car running smooth and looking sharp, while saving you money.

We specialize in straightening aluminum, magnesium, steel and even motorcycle wheels for businesses and the public. We also offer expert services including refinishing, welding and corrosion removal.

Our products include; new, used and reconditioned wheels, cleaning and polishing products and protective Tire Totes. We are also the place to find quality new aftermarket & chrome wheels, rare and hard-to-find wheels and all types of tires.


But Rim & Wheel Works is more than just a repair shop. We are also the place to find good information and unbiased advice about rims, tires and maintenance issues, and our highly trained technicians can often diagnose alignment and suspension issues as well.
Rim & Wheel Works offers full-service, while-you-wait wheel straightening, by appointment, for the convenience of our busy customers. Our technicians are fully equipped to remove and remount wheels and tires, and most straightening appointments require an hour or less. After viewing the wheels and discussing repair options with our technicians, customers can relax, read a magazine, or get some work done in our Wi-Fi equipped waiting room.

Our commitment is to excellence in customer service and excellence in our work, and our customers - whether race car drivers, show car owners, tire shops or minivan gladiators - all hear that commitment in the owner's favorite saying, "We hope you don't have to come back soon - but tell all your friends."

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(c) Copyright 2007 Rim and Wheel Works Inc.
Questions or comments please email